座談 | Talk @ Taipei
Taipei — 2.21(Fri.) 19:00-
@超級浪-中山科藝所 | Hyper Wave - Zhongshan Tech-Art Institute
4F, No. 8, Section 1, Nanjing East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan
座談 | Talk @ Luodong
Luodong, Yilan — 2.22(Sat.) 14:00-
@浪花藝術空間 | Surfy Space
No. 73, Tianjin Rd., Luodong Township, Yilan County 265007 , Taiwan
開放工作室 - 展覽|Open Studio and exhbition
2.22(Sat.) 13:00 -19:00
2.23(Sun.) 13:00 - 19:00
2.27(Thu.) 13:00 - 19:00
If you would like to visit on a different date, please contact us.
簡介|(English Below)
本次駐村系列活動為日本設計師&藝術家Tomoyuki Koseko(小瀨古智之) 在駐村期間的研究成果,包括2/21在 #超級浪中山科藝所 (台北)的研究座談以及 2/22開始於 #浪花藝術空間 (宜蘭)的開放工作室、小型展覽與開幕座談。Tomoyuki Koseko現居於京都,除了是獨立藝術家外,也與妻子Yafa Koseko共同組成設計雙人組 KOSEKO DESIGN&PRESS。
在駐村期間,他透過沿著宜蘭北部海岸的田野調查,探索該地區獨特的地質景觀,並研究 「擬態感知」(trans-perception) 在宜蘭地區的可能性。
Tomoyuki Koseko透過實驗性的創作,研究 「擬態感知」(trans-perception)——即受科技影響而發展出的新型感知與認知方式。例如,當地圖影像被轉換為紅色時,它可能會讓人聯想到生肉,而河流與湖泊則可能呈現出脂肪的樣貌。透過數位技術的色彩轉換,可以產生前所未見的視覺詮釋。
他將這種透過圖像技術所產生的偶然視覺擴展,定義為 「擬態感知(trans-perception / 擬態)」,並透過版畫與展覽探索全新的觀看視角。
Description |
This event showcases the research outcomes of Japanese artist Tomoyuki Koseko during his residency at SurfySpace (浪花藝術空間). It features an open studio with small exhibition, and artist talk. Based in Kyoto, Koseko works as an artist and also collaborates with his wife, Yafa Koseko, as the design duo KOSEKO DESIGN&PRESS.
During his residency program, he explored the unique possibilities of trans-perception in the Yilan region through fieldwork along the northern coast, where distinctive geological features can be observed.
Trans-perception project |
Koseko investigates trans-perception—new modes of perception and awareness shaped by technology—through experimental expressions. For instance, when a map image is transformed into red, it may resemble raw meat, while rivers and lakes take on the appearance of fat. Through computational color transformation, previously unseen visual interpretations can emerge.
He defines this expansion of visual perception, driven by the serendipitous effects of graphic technology, as "trans-perception (擬態)" and explores new perspectives through printmaking and exhibitions.