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除了管理宜蘭羅東的浪花駐村空間外,台北空間的建立標誌著Hyper Wave從地方延伸至都市環境的重要一步。這兩個空間承擔著不同的功能與角色:宜蘭空間提供藝術家沉浸式的創作場域,聚焦於靜態的創作過程;而台北空間則憑藉其地理優勢,成為創作成果的展示平台以及藝術家交流互動的動態場域。透過兩地聯動,Hyper Wave實現了一種從創作到展示,再到城市對話的完整藝術鏈結。

​In addition to managing the Surfy Space residency in Luodong, Yilan, the establishment of the Taipei space marks a significant step for Hyper Wave in expanding its presence from a local setting to an urban context. These two spaces serve distinct functions and roles: the Yilan space provides an immersive environment for artists, focusing on the static creative process, while the Taipei space, leveraging its geographic advantage, acts as a platform for showcasing artistic outcomes and a dynamic hub for artist connections. By linking the two locations, Hyper Wave creates a cohesive artistic ecosystem, seamlessly bridging creation, exhibition, and urban dialogue.

中山科藝所是一個集合 展覽、研究、發表、演講、創作、休憩 的複合式藝術基地。


Zhongshan Institute of Techno-Art is a multidisciplinary art hub integrating exhibition, research, presentation, lectures, creation, and recreation.


supported by

浪花空間 Surfy Space:宜蘭縣羅東鎮天津路73號

No. 73, Tianjin Rd., Luodong Township, Yilan County 265007 , Taiwan 

​中山科藝所 Zhongshan Institute of Techno-art:台北市中山區南京東路一段8號4樓

​4F, No. 8, Section 1, Nanjing East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan

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